Welcome to HODL


Maintain your customer relationships with AI.

Write content faster

You do not need to spend hours to write personalized content — let our creative AI do it for you!

Tools and templates

Write and save, then use everywhere. Also rewrite content for different porpose with minimal effort.

Brainstorm faster

Don't waste hours coming up with canned messaging!

Copy and publish anywhere

With 20+ Integrations no need to move between Google, Microsoft, or any other mail provider.

Repurpose content easily

Easily extend existing themes without having to start from scratch!

Write in any language

Don't alienate your customers, write in your preferred language and deliver in their preferred language.


How AI CRM works


Move in your existing relationships with our step-by-step import tool.

Get Started

Quickly review our personalizations & recommendations.

Get Started

Sit back while we take care of the automated nurturing of your leads.

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